
What is Ioniplex and why is it important.

Ioniplex is an organic element found in humates within the highly nutritious layer of the earth formed over millions of years of compression. Once extracted, Ioniplex serves as an essential vehicle that carries nutrients to the right places within our bodies with its ability to penetrate cell walls and mitochondrial membranes.

What makes Ioniplex different than any other fulvic acid on the market. 

While fulvic acid is known in the industry but its use is still relatively untapped.  We ethically mine from multiple humate sources that we’ve discovered over our 25 years of experience. By diversifying our approach, we capture the unique characteristics and benefits unique to each source derived from the organic roots buried beneath layers of prehistoric ecosystems.  Our patented extraction process allows us to produce a high-quality plant-based fulvic ionic mineral complex™ with powerful capabilities.

Unique Stand-Alone Benefits


Best source for trace minerals


Best detoxifying ingredient; helps neutralize free radicals 


Increases protein synthesis naturally within the human body 


Increases collagen naturally within the human body 


Plant-based and vegan alternative


Increases metabolism within cells, creating energy 


Naturally supports healthy hair, skin and nail growth with dramatic results 


Protects against cellular damage, a major cause of aging

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